Number 1 and 2: Buon Giorno from Venice!

Matt and I have been waiting for this day for almost 10 years! When we got married (almost 10 years ago) we really wanted to celebrate our honeymoon in Italy. The lack of money kept us closer to home and we went to Lake Tahoe. It was a fun and relaxing trip. This trip is jaw dropping, amazing, takes your breath away, holy, immaculate, timeless, and romantic but not relaxing. We arrived in Venice at 9:05 in the morning and we hit the ground running. We wandered the city for over a hour trying to locate our hotel and just took in the charming city. After an illegal vaparetto ride (a boat where you literally are jammed in like a sardine) we found it. We wandered the street going into every church we passed and just relaxed in the pews for a second before we were off to another place. We waited in line at Saint Mark's Cathedral and it is well worth the 2 minute wait to see this beautiful church. We climbed the bridges, navigated our way over canals, looked at all the high price shopping. I dropped trying to speak Italian after sucessfully asking "Dove San Marco" or "Dove San Toma" (Where is Saint Marks, etc.) and recieving the reply in Italian. After some price haggling, under sthe stars we rode in a gondola all over the canals of Venice. Well worth the money and something you just have to do. After a long day we had a wonderful Italian dinner and collapsed back at our hotel.


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