Super Girls!

The girls have been a little sick the past couple of days and have been couped up in the house too long. So it is time for one of their favorite games... Super Girl. It is where they find a pink cape and jump off the couch. Clara is at the age where she wants to be just like her big sisters. She loves playing and being included as they run, jump, and plot new games. She is old enough to swing, climb the equipment at the park, sing to the songs on the radio. What a fun age.

Shalimar and I had a girls night out recently. We ate dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and perused the mall for clothes that were out of our budget. It was great to spend some time with a friend and do some much needed window shopping. Matt and the girls ate dinner at the mall and went to the Blue and Orange store. They love spending time with daddy and daddy loves his little girls.

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