As promised... Madeline turns 6 years old.

I remember about a month ago Maddy said "I will be 6 soon" and freaking out. Initially, I was convinced she was wrong and then after thinking about it, I was shocked. How can my baby be 6?! Well, she is, and so we had a lot of fun celebrating. Madeline has turned into an amazing little girl and is certainly worth celebrating. She has been riding a tricycle for several years now and desperately needed a 2 wheel big girl bicycle so that is exactly what she got. She looked like a bear at the circus on her trike :) We had a small party with Grandmacita and Grandma Erni (Gernie) and Papa Doc before heading to the fair.

Our annual tradition is going to the fair and finding a baby animal with the same birthday as Maddy. We always succeed (or at least convince the girls we did.) We had lots of fun riding rides, eating fair food and looking at the exhibits. A special treat this year was the sea lion show. There were 3 sea lions that performed and educated the crowd on conservation. Sophie was in seal heaven. We splurged for the picture with the sea lion giving Sophie a big "wet one" on the cheek. The trainers name was also Sophie so we are all convinced this is her calling. We closed the fair down staying out until after midnight. It was a blast and I can not wait until next year.

Maddy's ice cream cake and opening up her presents.

Making a wish!

Sophie getting a kiss from her favorite animal.

Look at the expression on her face! Matt realized the best thing is not having a fan but sitting next to someone who does.

Clara carrying a drink bigger then her.

Sisters and friends.

Nothing says fair like baby animals, sheeps in coats, and goats on a table.

My cousin Jen celebrated her upcoming wedding with a bridal shower at the 36th Street Bistro. That place is beautiful and we had fun sharing in her special day. All of the ladies of the family brought recipes and advice for the bride to be.

My 3 beautiful daughters!


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