First and last time...

Saturday was a really fun day. I ran the "For the health of it" 5k race in a little over then 30 minutes. I was hoping to run it in 28 to 29 minutes but still felt really good because I ran the whole way. Side note, I beat Ryan Winterswyke ex. BSU football player. Matt and the kids cheered me on as did several of my coworkers, that's right because they had already finished. :( After the race, Matt, the kids, Sarah, Tim, and I all went to Marsing to pick peaches. When we got there it seemed to be slim pick ins but after tasting the fruit we realized the worst tree ripened peach is still A LOT better then what you get at the grocery store. We picked over 18 lbs of peaches. So what do you do with 18lbs of peaches you ask... well I made 2 homemade peach pies, froze a bunch, and still have plenty leftover. the title suggests the pie making was not nearly as fun as I intended. Matt and I went to dinner for a date night at our favorite local Italian restaurant. We got home around 11 p.m. and I since I had taken a nap I thought I will make the pies while the girls are asleep. So it is more time consuming, messy, and difficult then the recipe suggested. Where the heck do they get the phrase 'easy as pie'?! Our house was filled with smoke and our counters looked like a peach murder had taken place. But the pie is delicious and I can say I made a pie from scratch. This is not on the bucket list but probably should have been. I am retroactively adding it.
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