Our Own Secret Garden...

What have we been up to? A lot of the same thing... you know like bike riding in Cinderella slippers, playing with rocks, and riding the "big girl" scooter. This week we had the oppurtunity to have a picnic at Edward's nursery with a former co-worker and good friend Fabiola and her daughter Isabel. Isabel is my God daughter and I love and miss her so much. It does not hurt that she is one of the cutest and easiest going kids I have ever met. Edward's nursery is one of Boise's prettiest with it's manicured lawns, exotic plants, and gazebo. Maddy was my photographer for the night so any picture that does not have her in it, she probably took it :) And like any good evening in our household it ended with a trip to the dollar store. Where else can you get a minature box of captin crunch, an umbrella, two Dora necklace kits, a penguin puzzel, fairy wings, and a pumpkin spice candle for 7 dollars and some change?
In other news, it is still a million degrees in Boise, and even with a pumpkin spice candle, it does not feel like Fall. We pulled the boat out of Lucky Peak last weekend but since it was so hot we took it back up for a last hoorah. It was fun and the girls had a blast. Clara has come so far this year from hating it to pretty much wanting to jump in today. Plus, she loves honking the horn.
The half marathon is officially 2 weeks away. Sarah, Jenna, and I "ran" 10 miles today. It was worse than I thought (and I thought it was going to be bad.) I can not wait for it to be over but I also don't feel ready. Anyway, here is to a great week and hopefully cooler weather.

Maddy and Sophie being cute at Great Harvest as we picked up sandwiches for our picnic.

Take one: I am not quite smiling, 1/2 of Clara's head is missing, and my favorite Sophie is picking her nose.

Take two: Mama and baby!

Take three: All us girls! I love Clara's "big eyes". She is very expressive and can say so much with just her face.

I told you she was cute!

Camera work provided by Sophie.

Beautiful hydrangeas. I am a plant scientist so I hope that is right (that would be embarassing).

Fabiola chasing Isabel. She is such a big girl running now.

This bunch of flowers looks like a heart so I couldn't resist.

Issy playing in the garden.

Don't let those oranges and browns foul you it is still 90 degrees.

Clara looking like she got caught eating a midnight snack.

Dora necklaces are so cool.


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