A thankful heart

I can not get enough of Thanksgiving. All in all we will be having 4 feasts this year; last Friday we had a practice run at grandma Erni's, my work potluck, the formal Stivison family Thanksgiving at Sam and Sandy's, and the not-so-formal dinner at our house with my mom and grandma. As we were stuffing ourselves at work (try finishing out a day at work after having two helpings of turkey), I made everyone at our table go around and say what they were thankful for. Everyone indulged my tradition, probably because I supervise half of them, and also because people love to have the oppurtunity to look back and reflect on all of the blessings they have. In our house this is not an annual tradition but a daily one. Every night before we go to bed we say one thing we are thankful for and one thing we are sorry for. I have caught a lot of flack from friends and co-workers (a.k.a saying you are sorry to Jesus) but I honestly think we will have children who are humble and have a thankful heart because of it. Enough said. This is what I am thankful for today...

Cute toes in cute shoes.

Forced sister hugs!!!

A trip of a lifetime with the husband for a lifetime.

Little girls who look up to their mommy.

Someone to walk through life with.


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