Apricot Jam and some funny stories...

When I was in junior high and high school the idea of home ec. was so lame. Yet, as an adult I feel the need to be domestic and let me tell you it does not come easy. Making jam, sewing, cooking etc. are skills that would come in handy more so than playing the trombone and AP calculus.

After our apricot adventure I decided this was the perfect oppurtunity to make jam. After reading some blogs, googling it, and studying the pectin container I made freezer jam (to avoid hot liquids and expensive equipment.) It turned out great and is super cheap. I highly recommend trying it. Here are the instructions.

Step 1: Remove the pits. I did this by hand.

Step 2: Finely chop the apricots.

Step 3: Pulse in the blender.

Step 4: Measure out 12 cups of fruit puree, 13 tablespoons of pectin, and 1 cup of sugar.

Step 5: The juice of one lemon (see story below) and heat until it comes to a rolling boil.

Step 6: Add 9 more cups of sugar. If I gave you some of my jam enjoy and don't read how much sugar is in it.

Step 7: Bring to a rolling boil for one minute.

Step 8: Cool and pour into jars.

Step 9: Decorate and enjoy!

Make sure your pot is big enough that the jam will not boil over.

A ton of jam.

So cute and declicious!

Time for the funny stories:
I am allergic to lemons. Not in the way that makes your throat close up and kills you but in the way that it gives you a small rash on your hands. I learned this the hard way by bagging groceries in high school. Fast forward 10 years... between contractions I am answering the million questions they ask you when you are in labor (mostly relating to where they should send your bill.) One of the questions was if I had any allergies and of course I answer "No." This is when Matt takes it upon himself to loudly declare my lemon allergy. The nurses ask a ton of follow up questions and make me wear a red allergy bracelet reading "lemons." At every meal they would remind me of my allergy and ask if I could be reponsible managing "my condition." A special thanks to grandmacita who squeezed the lemons and bought extra sugar for our jam. And thanks to Matt who bought english muffins at midnight so I could have a special breakfast this morning. October 24, 2009. Clara and mama.

The second story is about my aunt Chris. Whenever I do anything remotely crafty or any cooking I think of her. She is truly a greek Martha Stewart who knows her way around a kitchen and craft store. She hand makes cards, caramels, birthday cakes, and gingerbread houses. So last night as I am stirring my cauldron of jam I texted her. So the funny story is my grandma use to live about 3 blocks away (we both have moved since then) and my aunt Chris and uncle Randy were staying with her during one of their visits to Idaho. I informed her I was going to use my bundt pan that had a flower decoration on it to make a jello mold. She looked puzzled and asked some hard hitting questions but I was convinced I could do it. Long story short I couldn't. After failing miserably and I think even shedding some tears I walked the 3 blocks with jello that belonged in a horror movie. The entire way I was dropping lime and grape jello on the sidewalk. Ginger, our jack russell, was happy to clean up. When I arrived she welcomed me at the door with the biggest smile. I have never laughed so hard.


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