Western Idaho Fair 2012

The theme of the fair this year was to "Go Wild" and that is what we did.  All 3 girls would rush up to every ride and see if they were tall enough, including the crazy rides (thank goodness my babies didn't quite measure up or else I may have had a heart attack.)  In years past the fair has always been on Maddy's birthday so it is usually a family affair with Gramacita, grandma Erni and papa Doc. This year the fair ended the weekend before her birthday but we loved that all the grandparents were up for the adventure.  A big thank you to them for splurging on wrist bands and goodies as well.  

Do yourself a favor and zoom in on Maddy and poppa Doc's faces... Priceless.  

Our adventure seekers did not inherit it this trait from their mother or father.
My favorite part of the fair was Clara's face.   


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