How do you get out of a funk?

Well, a weekend of pampering at the Heart Spa retreat is a good start.  The Heart Spa retreat is an all women, Catholic retreat that focuses on the story of the woman at the well.  The retreat is broken up into 3 stations; facials, pedicures, and manicures.  If that wasn't enough there are amazing speakers, food, singing, dancing, crafts, and lots of fun socialization.  I recruited my mom to join me for this day of pampering.  When I woke up at 8:00 am on a Saturday I was really doubting my decision to go but after a morning facial I decided this was the best idea I had in months.
As women we tend to work hard and put everyone else's needs before our own.  This was a day where we can be rejuvenated spiritually in Jesus' life giving water just as the woman at well experienced.  There were  talks by 3 awesome Catholic women.  The first was a lawyer and mother of 12!  You read that right... 11 kids and a loss of an infant.  Side note she looked amazing in her skinny jeans and boots!  She was a full time lawyer until the birth of her fourth child.  Talk about amazing, she nursed her baby through the bar exam.  She talked about having a large family and making the choice to give up her career.  She talked about the importance of having a faith community.  Bobbi Dominick and Lorissa also gave talks that were emotional and inspiring.  The pedicures and manicures were wonderful and my hands have never felt so soft.  I met some great Catholic women that made the retreat even more fun.  My favorite was an older woman named Clara who chuckled and looked adoringly at pictures of my baby Clara.  There were some great girls in our group willing to share stories, tampons, and encouragement.
In other news, I broke down and went to the doctor and thank God for antibiotics.  I feel all better!  The girls are better and the sun is shinning.  Life is good again! 


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