Pretty Good Day

The other day Clara said "Today is the best day ever... Well maybe not ever... But it still was pretty good."  This sentiment perfectly describes our weekend.  The sun was shining and we randomly ran into an Easter bunny!  We spent all Saturday playing at the park and hiking. 
Swings are a fave in this family! 
Oh yeah and Maddy got glasses! 
Her adorable little face is now framed with pretty purple glasses. 

After a homework marathon on Sunday we went bowling.   

These four children of mine are so special. 
Spending time with these guys is so much fun.  Benedict loved cheering on his sisters. 
Benedict loved exploring and getting into trouble. 
He kept trying to make a break for the pins.
Clara's little hands were so cute. 
After every turn she would hold this position as the ball crawled toward the pins.  I am talking glacier slow and finally

Sophie was awesome! 
She won the first game and to be honest I don't think she even used the bumpers. 

Everyone knows tilting your body helps direct the ball.  

High fives were in order...




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