Carpe 15 minutes!

I have been reading Carry On Warrior by Glennon Melton.  She is the author of the momastery blog.  She has rallied women all over the world to support one another and build each other up.  I will just say that her writing style is not profound by any means but is hilarious and like the title says unarmed.    
While I do not relate to a lot of the themes in the book; anorexia, drug addictions, alcoholism.  I can easily relate to being a mom raising small kids.  My favorite chapter was on Don't Carpe Diem.  In it she discusses how she can't stand all the old ladies who say enjoy EVERY moment as a parent because it goes so fast.  Because all of us with kids know that just makes you feel guilty for occasionally putting on the T.V. or wanting to scream and cry when everyone else in the house is.  So my new motto is Carpe 15 minutes.  I may not enjoy every second but I will recognize and soak in those precious moments that are so rewarding as a mom.  Here are some pictures from Mother's day 2013.  I enjoyed everything about it; watching the kids make their pizzas, bouncing on the large cushions, watching their pizzas cook, and them loving on their grandmacita.  O.k.  I didn't enjoy Benedict screaming the whole way home because we overstayed our welcome at the restaurant.              



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