Kickin' Kids Soccer

It is official, I have become a "Soccer Mom."  Add that to the list of things Matt and I swore we would never do or become.  Once you get a minivan it is a slippery slope to hauling kids and soccer gear around town.  Surprisingly, I can say that we all had a blast.  The league is very non competitive.  They have a 20 minute practice followed by a 45 minute game.  Matt and I may have gotten more exercise walking around to all the fields to watch the girls in action.  All the coaches are great!  They made sure all the kids had a chance to kick the ball.  Here are some cute pictures from my phone.  
There was a lot of ball kicking, and very little kid kicking, at the Kickin' Kids Soccer league this week. 
I think snack time was Clara's favorite part.  
The little kids move in a giant herd around the ball.
They steal from their teammates and score in the closest goal (even if it is their own.) 
"Go Blue Dragons!"  Sophie was out voted on her first choice, the Blue Seals!
Sophie is the 5th on from the front (and the back!)
What a cutie!


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