Happy Birthday Ms. Chatterbox

My favorite part of being a mom is seeing my girls individual personalities develop.  Out of all our kids, Sophie is the most unique.  She was a late talker and is making up for it ten fold.  She has a way of being quirky, funny, cute, and silly all wrapped up in one.  Madeline loves playing with other kids and babies but Sophie prefers talking to adults and boy does she talk. I feel occasionally she gets lost in the shuffle, being the middle child, so we made her fifth birthday one to remember.  We celebrated by spending an evening at the melting pot.  We decadently dipped our strawberries in chocolate and swirled our broccoli in cheese.  It was fabulous!  Sophie LOVED being the center of attention and soaked in the spotlight.  The highlights was Matt rolling in her new Dora bike.  She took it for a spin around our room at the melting pot (That's right many a couples date night was interrupted by the sound of a bike bell :)  She loved her Dora helmet, kitchen, and all of her prizes.  


We all LOVED it!  Can you tell?

P.S. The service at the melting pot was phenomenal.  

Matt and I joke that Sophie's preschool teachers know more about our personal lives than most friends, family, and religious.  I mentioned in passing we should buy a minivan and take a road trip to Disneyland.  The very next week, her teachers told us all about her plans for the impending road trip and "it doesn't matter if daddy doesn't want to go, it has already been decided."  They know how many times we go to the grocery store (it's ridiculous so I will spare you the details), that our backyard had bees but most importantly how much fun she had on her birthday.   

For the record the "hive" in question was sprayed last summer and the swarm is under control.   
She was right!  We bought a new minivan, and whether daddy likes it or not, Disneyland here we come.
Sophie is so special and such a blessing to our family.  I can not believe that she is 5 years old already.  In the past 2 years she has developed and grown so much it makes my head spin.  I can not wait to see what the future holds for this little one.  I know it will be huge!


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