Number 38: Go to the Circus!

A welcomed change in our night time routine is to read one chapter in a chapter book before bed. It is so nice to re-read those great childhood books and be entertained as much as the kids. We just finished Pippi Longstockings by Astrid Lindgren. Our favorite chapter was "Pippi goes to the Circus." As one of my bucket list items and relevant to our current literary adventure we went to the circus. It was amazing. I loved it even more then I could imagine. There were tigers, bears on rocking horses, a lady dancing on an elephant, a cage of death with 4 motorcycles and the coolest trapeze act ever. I made sure to "ooh and ahh" extra loud so Matt could hear me. The girls, especially Clara, just soaked it up. She was clapping and pointing like crazy. As we left I asked Maddy what her favorite part was and she told me the silly clown. The clown put his radio in the trash and it would play whenever the lid or his fanny were not on it. It is funny how wild animals can jump through rings of fire yet the clown was the most memorable for our girls. And true to the story, Sophie took a little catnap during the intermission.

Please post in the comments a chapter book that you would recommend we read next.


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