The baby of the bunch

Benedict is at the cusp of still being a baby and ready to leap into being a little boy.  He is 8 and 1/2 months old and changing daily.  He is alert and part of the family more than ever.  If we laugh he laughs.  He loves participating in meal time by smacking his lips (even if nothing is on the menu for him.)  He loves our nightly walks and tends to kick his feet up and even snacks on his toes.  Speaking of eating, this kid loves to eat.  I love having a baby who polishes off an entire tub of baby food like it is job.  Plus, those baby food pouches are a.mazing.  Whoever thought of those, genius.  He sits and plays like a big boy but still prefers to be held like a baby.  There are some big boy things I am getting anxious for him to start; crawling, pulling up, walking.  However, I know that this will come and I should enjoy the extra snuggles while I still get them.    




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