Simply having a wonderful Christmas time!!!

Simply having a wonderful Christmas time! This is the girls favorite Christmas song because it drives their daddy nuts. While it is not religious or even inspirational it does sum up our holiday weekend. With Thanksgiving wrapping up, we welcome all the Christmas traditions and anticipation that comes with this advent season. Our Thanksgiving was wonderful! I had a cold and it was the best excuse to lay around, eat, spend time playing cards and visiting with those we love without the pressure of doing it "all."

Clara wearing a cranberry velvet dress that belonged to me when I was her age. All the girls have had the oppurtunity to spend a thanksgiving wearing this beautiful dress.

Cassidy and Maddy.
Our girls are so lucky to have a host of older girl cousins that love them dearly.

Gobble Gobble!


In the past 18 years, the Stivison family has produced 8 little ladies and no boys!!!

Matt's constant need to make stupid faces in pictures caused him and Sophie to be cropped out.

Now that is a good one.

A Boise tradition is the Festival of Trees. Every year we take in all the elaborate decorations and "ohh and ahhh" at these magnificient trees. The girls love dressing up and doing the holiday scavenger hunt. We searched for trees with penguins, a circus big top, and the words on Santa's mantle.



A little naughty but oh so cute!

Working together to earn a Christmas prize.

Maddy with the Barbie tree.

Look closely... it is Barbie getting a mamogram! I couldn't resist taking a picture.

Clara loved the Elmo tree!

Charlie Brown favorite.

I love my little Clara and for the record she is mostly nice.

I love this picture. The girls were visiting with a talking tree and Sophie was very detailed and animated while telling the tree about what she wants for Chrsitmas. The "science" behind this talking tree still boggles my mind.

Wait for it...

...and of course we got a Santa picture. Well 2 out of 3 is not bad.
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