Cat Chat

What you don't know what Cat Chat is? Well neither did I until a couple of weeks ago. Let me put this into terms you might understand; think Catholic, think Wiggles, think giant mascot, think the Duggar Family, and think Canada. This would sum up the overall experience. Cat Chat is a family that tours parishes and schools and educates and entertains kids about the Catholic faith. Let me tell you, I already had a headache going into this thing and after a couple of verses of J-E-S-U-S, he's our hero, I was totally on board. It was so much fun. The kids LOVED it and I converted to a Cat Chat supporter. A couple of memorable moments were Maddy rocking out like a Cat Chat groupie, Sophie busting on stage when they brought up people (she not being one of the kids selected), and Clara having a healthy fear of a giant cat.

The Cat Chat gang.

Sophie on stage taking everything in.

Clara liked the show but was not sure about Moses the cat. Her healthy fear replaced 'scream at the top of your lungs, cling to your mama, shake and fear for your life' fear. This was demonstrated at the library when she met Peter rabbit and at Red Robin.

Sophie being the adorable ham that she can be.

Isn't she cute?! Notice the 2 different color socks. Moses didn't care.

Maddy so anxiously wanting to say that her sister Clara has an October birthday so they both can go on stage. Guess who didn't want to go on stage?


This picture made up for her lack of stage time.


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